
Discovering Potential Rewards (and Penalties) of Changing Perceptions

GRP developed DriveScore to provide deeper insight into the relationship between concept or product attribute performance, and key outcome measures such as purchase intent, share of purchases/choices, customer loyaty metrics, etc.

DriveScore summarizes the impact of:

– Performance improvement (upside potential) on each attribute, illustrating what would happen if you invest in changing consumer perceptions on particular attributes.

– Performance decrements on each attribute (downside risk), showing what would happen if you direct resources away from particular areas.

As such, DriveScore can detect non-symmetrical relationships (if they exist) between performance perceptions and a desired outcome (i.e., situations where the upside is greater than the downside, or vice versa). If non-symmetrical relationships do exist, then this approach provides better understanding of key drivers than would be seen with simple correlation analysis, or linear regression methods.

Importantly, DriveScore provides output in the form of simulated increases and decreases in key output measures (such as purchase intent or share of purchases), allowing decision makers to better understand the potential payback (or loss) of specific actions.

In the above example, we see that Attribute 1 has the potential to deliver a greater reward (for improvement) than it does penalty (if ratings were to decrease). Conversely, Attribute 2 is one where special care should be taken to avoid any decreases in performance, since share drops more sharply than for any other attribute.

NEXT PROTOCOL: Crisol (Melting Pot)


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To learn more, please contact:
Ray Barber